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PUBLICATIONS :- 2011 - Debanne D, Campanac E, Bialowas A, Carlier E, Alcaraz G.
Axon physiology Physiological Reviews, 91 : 555-602 - 2011 - Gaudioso C, Carlier E, Youssouf F, Clare JJ, Debanne D, Alcaraz G.
Calmodulin and calcium differentially regulate the neuronal Nav1.1 voltage-dependent sodium channel. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 411 : 329-334 - 2006 - Moutot N, Mansuelle P, Alcaraz G, Dos Santos RG, Cordeiro MN, De Lima ME, Seagar M, Van Renterghem C.
Phoneutria nigriventer toxin 1: a novel, state-dependent inhibitor of neuronal sodium channels that interacts with micro conotoxin binding sites. Mol Pharmacol, 69 : 1931-1937