ANNEE : 2010V-ATPase membrane sector associates with synaptobrevin to modulate neurotransmitter release. AUTEURS : Di Giovanni J, Boudkkazi S, Mochida S, Bialowas A, Samari N, Lévêque C, Youssouf F, Brechet A, Iborra C, Maulet Y, Moutot N, Debanne D, Seagar M, El Far O. REVUE : Neuron N° Pubmed : 20670834Acidification of synaptic vesicles by the vacuolar proton ATPase is essential for loading with neurotransmitter. Debated findings have suggested that V-ATPase membrane domain (V0) also contributes to Ca(2+)-dependent transmitter release via a direct role in vesicle membrane fusion, but the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. We now report a direct interaction between V0 c-subunit and the v-SNARE synaptobrevin, constituting a molecular link between the V-ATPase and SNARE-mediated fusion. Interaction domains were mapped to the membrane-proximal domain of VAMP2 and the cytosolic 3.4 loop of c-subunit. Acute perturbation of this interaction with c-subunit 3.4 loop peptides did not affect synaptic vesicle proton pump activity, but induced a substantial decrease in neurotransmitter release probability, inhibiting glutamatergic as well as cholinergic transmission in cortical slices and cultured sympathetic neurons, respectively. Thus, V-ATPase may ensure two independent functions: proton transport by a fully assembled V-ATPase and a role in SNARE-dependent exocytosis by the V0 sector.