ANNEE : 2015CaRuby-Nano: a novel high affinity calcium probe for dual color imagingAUTEURS : Collot M, Wilms CD, Bentkhayet A,
Marcaggi P, Couchman K, Charpak S, Dieudonné S, Häusser M, Feltz A, Mallet JM.
REVUE : eLife
The great demand for long-wavelength and high signal-to-noise Ca(2+) indicators has led us to develop CaRuby-Nano, a new functionalizable red calcium indicator with nanomolar affinity for use in cell biology and neuroscience research. In addition, we generated CaRuby-Nano dextran conjugates and an AM-ester variant for bulk loading of tissue. We tested the new indicator using in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrating the high sensitivity of CaRuby-Nano as well as its power in dual color imaging experiments.