ANNEE : 2019Chromophore-assisted light inactivation of the V-ATPase V0c subunit inhibits neurotransmitter release downstream of synaptic vesicle acidificationAUTEURS : Rama S, Boumedine N, Sangiardi M, Youssouf F, Maulet Y, Lévêque C, Belghazi M, Seagar M, Debanne D, El Far O. REVUE : Molecular Neurobiology Synaptic vesicle proton V-ATPase is an essential component in synaptic vesicle function. Active acidification of synaptic vesicles, triggered by the V-ATPase, is necessary for neurotransmitter storage. Independently from its proton transport activity, an additional important function of the membrane-embedded sector of the V-ATPase has been uncovered over recent years. Subunits a and c of the membrane sector of this multi-molecular complex have been shown to interact with SNARE proteins and to be involved in modulating neurotransmitter release. The c-subunit interacts with the v-SNARE VAMP2 and facilitates neurotransmission. In this study, we used chromophore-assisted light inactivation and monitored the consequences on neurotransmission on line in CA3 pyramidal neurons. We show that V-ATPase c-subunit V0c is a key element in modulating neurotransmission and that its specific inactivation rapidly inhibited neurotransmission.