PRECEDENTS LABOS 2007-2012 David Schulz's lab (University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA). Doctorante (Directeur de Thèse : David J Schulz)
2005-2007 Troy Zars' lab (University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA). Stagiaire (Directeur de stage : Troy Zars)
PUBLICATIONS :- 2018 - Tapia M, Baudot P, Formisano-Treziny C, Dufour M, Temporal S, Lasserre M, Marqueze B, Gabert J, Kobayashi K, Goaillard JM.
Neurotransmitter identity and electrophysiological phenotype are genetically coupled in midbrain dopaminergic neurons Scientific Reports, 8 : 13637 - 2012 - Temporal S, Desai M, Khorkova O, Varghese G, Dai A, Schulz DJ, Golowasch J.
Neuromodulation independently determines correlated channel expression and conductance levels in motor neurons of the stomatogastric ganglion Journal of Neurophysiology, 107 : 718-727 - 2010 - Dai A, Temporal S, Schulz DJ.
Cell-specific patterns of alternative splicing of voltage-gated ion channels in single identified neurons Neuroscience, 168 : 118-129 - 2008 - Schulz DJ, Temporal S, Barry DM, Garcia ML.
Mechanisms of voltage-gated ion channel regulation: from gene expression to localization Cell Mol Life Sci, 65 : 2215-2231